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Healthy social relationships, Borderline personality disorder, Eating disorder, Anxiety disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Internet addiction, Video game addiction, Drug addiction, Alcohol addiction, Psychological therapy, Mental health, Behavioral change, Negative thinking, Cognitive thinking, Skills training, Positive behaviors, Cognitive response, Behavioral analysis, Behavioral rehabilitation, Knowledge enhancement, Self-understanding, Self-learning, Awareness improvement, Life skills learning, Positive thinking strategies, Goal setting, Self-learning and personal growth, Integrated psychological therapy, Contemporary psychological therapy, Modern therapy techniques, Personalized therapy approach, Inhalation therapy, Direct thinking techniques, Functional analytical therapy, Physical therapy, Biological therapy, Behavior analysis, Direct behavioral therapy, Positive behavior, Integrated cognitive-behavioral therapy, Suggestive behavioral therapy, Behavioral pattern change, Compensatory response, Behavioral movement, Cognitive benefit, Behavior evaluation,
Knowledge analysis, Direct cognitive therapy, Cognitive skills development, Positive thinking enhancement, Memory and attention improvement, Utilizing rapid learning techniques, Learning mental strategies, Emotional intelligence development, Contemporary psychological therapy, Integrated psychological therapy, Modern psychological therapy techniques, Critical review psychological therapy, Client-therapist relationship development, Deep brain stimulation therapy, Logical thinking psychological therapy, Behavioral dialogue, Behavioral restructuring, Advanced behavioral therapy, Behavioral training, Flexible response, Cognitive change, Goal-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy, Dealing with objections, Behavioral counseling, Creative thinking, Mental plan analysis, Active learning, Mental skills development, Flexible thinking therapy, Self-awareness enhancement, Memory and focus improvement, Cognitive perception, Technology-based psychological therapy, Meditation therapy, Electrical stimulation therapy, Online client-therapist relationship psychological therapy, Online psychological training, Mind games therapy, Guided mental stimulation, Modern techniques psychological therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for children, Behavior improvement techniques, Behavioral stimulation training, Cognitive response to stimulation, Negative thought processing, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for eating disorders, Social relationship training, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for addiction,
Self-knowledge enhancement, Self-awareness improvement, Knowledge skills development, Cognition recognition therapy, Thought and belief analysis, Self-awareness development, Cognitive solution enhancement, Constructive thinking techniques, Self-awareness and self-change enhancement, Brainwave psychological therapy, Virtual reality psychological training, AI-assisted cognitive therapy, Visual cognitive stimulation, Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy, Neural audiotapes psychological therapy, Quantitative data analysis therapy, Enhanced reality psychological training, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for bipolar disorder, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for acute mental disorders, Behavioral relaxation techniques, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for general anxiety, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for phobias, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for major depression, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anger management, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for emotional expression, Cognitive therapy for internet addiction, Thinking and feeling relationship analysis, Cognitive therapy for improving personal relationships, Memory and attention improvement with cognitive therapy, Cognitive therapy for stress reduction, Cognitive therapy for decision-making enhancement, Cognitive therapy for reducing depression and anxiety, Improving mental health with cognitive-behavioral therapy, Remote sensing psychological therapy, Virtual reality exposure therapy for phobias, Biotechnological psychological therapy, Social robotics psychological therapy, Virtual reality gaming psychological therapy, Smartphone apps psychological therapy, Enhancing social skills with augmented reality, Technology-supported human development psychological therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for acute depression, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for panic disorder, Cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques for coping with fears, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for drug addiction, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychological trauma, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for troubled emotional relationships, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for sleep disorders, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anger management, Cognitive-behavioral therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder, Flexible response training techniques in cognitive-behavioral therapy, Confidence enhancement with cognitive therapy, Stress and anxiety control with cognitive therapy, Improving interpersonal communication with cognitive therapy,
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Psy.Suha Abougoush
Why Psychological Health Matters
Overall Well-being: Psychological health encompasses our emotional, cognitive, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act, influencing every aspect of our lives, from our relationships to our work performance.
Resilience: A strong psychological foundation helps us bounce back from setbacks and cope with life's challenges effectively. It enables us to adapt to changes, manage stress, and maintain a positive outlook even in difficult times.
Physical Health Connection: There's a bidirectional relationship between psychological and physical health. Poor psychological health can contribute to various physical ailments, while maintaining good mental health can enhance our overall physical well-being.
Quality of Life: Good psychological health enhances our quality of life by fostering meaningful connections, improving productivity, and promoting a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
Tips for Maintaining Psychological Health
Prioritize Self-care: Engage in activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation, such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, or hobbies you enjoy. Set aside time for yourself amidst your busy schedule.
Stay Connected: Nurture supportive relationships with friends, family, and colleagues. Social connections provide emotional support and a sense of belonging, buffering against stress and loneliness.
Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a mindset of gratitude by reflecting on the positive aspects of your life. Keeping a gratitude journal or simply taking a moment each day to appreciate the blessings can shift your perspective towards positivity.
Seek Help When Needed: Don't hesitate to reach out for professional help if you're struggling with your mental health. Therapists, counselors, and support groups offer valuable resources and guidance for managing mental health challenges.
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and prioritize adequate sleep. Physical health and psychological well-being are closely intertwined, so taking care of your body is essential for maintaining mental health.
Set Boundaries: Learn to say no to excessive demands on your time and energy. Establishing boundaries helps prevent burnout and preserves your mental and emotional resources.
Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine to stay grounded and present. Mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or body scans, can help reduce stress and enhance self-awareness.
Many people go through problems, crises, and sometimes mental illnesses, and they get confused when thinking about seeking psychological treatment. Should they go to a psychiatrist or a psychologist?Both are trained in dealing with the mind and providing psychological care to patients, but each differs in the approach to treatment and the types of psychological problems they specialize in treating
Here we will explain the main similarities and differences between a psychiatrist and a psychologist and answer this question. First: The Main Differences Between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist 1. Type of Education The nature of education differs between a psychiatrist and a psychologist, but both require obtaining a masters degree. Psychiatrists studied medicine for 7 years then specialized in psychiatry and received training for at least four years in hospitals and rehabilitation centers on diagnosis and approved therapeutic methods. As for psychologists, they studied in the Faculty of Education or the Faculty of Arts in the Department of Psychology for 4 years, then received practical training in psychiatric hospitals for at least one year to obtain a professional license. 2. Psychological Problems Each Specializes In Treating Psychiatrists specialize in critical mental conditions and mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder, and other mental illnesses that require treatment. Whereas psychologists specialize in moderate or mild cases such as behavioral modification, sleep disorders, tension in emotional relationships, and other behavioral problems. 3. Prescribing Medication Prescribing medication is the responsibility of psychiatrists alone because they work on both the psychological and biological levels at the same time, understanding the bodys nature and genetic history. They studied anatomy and the bodys response to medications in medical school in addition to their knowledge of the side effects of drugs. Whereas psychologists are not allowed to prescribe or administer medication because they do not have sufficient knowledge of its biological effects and side effects. 4. Diagnosis and Treatment Methods Psychiatrists provide comprehensive care for the patient as they focus on family and social support for the patient and their upbringing since childhood. They may also request some types of tests and psychological measures to help with diagnosis. In cases where the patient suffers from an organic problem causing the psychological problem, the psychiatrist may resort to drug intervention alongside psychological and behavioral therapy. Whereas psychologists rely on understanding the patients upbringing and its effect on their behavior. They offer some psychological tests and measures to help diagnose cases and rely on modifying the patients misconceptions and improving their mental state away from medication and medical examinations. 5. Practice The ideal form of providing psychological service and care is that the first line is the psychiatrist, as they study the case and determine whether it is mild, moderate, or critical, then refer it to a psychologist. If the cases are mild or moderate, they only require psychological treatment without drug intervention. There are some critical cases where after the psychiatrist finishes the drug treatment, they may refer the cases to the psychologist to continue with psychological rehabilitation. Second: What are the Similarities Between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist? After presenting the main differences between a psychiatrist and a psychologist, we will present the similarities between them: 1. Both are trained to understand the nature of the mind, thinking, and behaviors. 2. Both have the ability to provide counseling and psychological support. 3. Both improve and develop the patients thinking and behaviors. Should I See a Psychiatrist or a Psychologist? After presenting the main differences and similarities between a psychiatrist and a psychologist, we will answer the question most patients ask about which type of therapist to seek help from: ● You should see a psychiatrist if: 1. The condition is critical or when suffering from certain mental illnesses such as depression, schizophrenia, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other illnesses that require a specialist to request the necessary tests and scans and prescribe the appropriate medication. 2. The medical condition has persisted for a long time or has recurred after treatment. 3. Psychological rehabilitation alone is not effective, and medication intervention is needed. 4. You are considering harming yourself or suicide. 5. Your treating doctor recommends seeing a specialist psychiatrist. ● You will need to see a psychologist if: 1. You are experiencing anxiety, depression, psychological pressures, or other difficulties affecting mental health. 2. You feel that life is difficult and need psychological support to cope with it. 3. You need to assess your mental health if you feel it is not okay. 4. You are experiencing many marital problems and need help dealing with them. 5. Your child is experiencing behavioral and coping problems and needs behavior modification. 6. You have experienced an emotional shock or a painful loss and need support to overcome it in a healthy way.
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